Team Russell with Dogly's Jane Turner and Joe Wilkinson

Year in Review 2015: March

Spring always arrives with great anticipation at the ranch. The days get longer and warmer, and the dogs absolutely love the weather. We typically have a Spring Vol Day to remove the plastic from the kennels, but this year, we had an extra-special "fun day."
Smooch a Pooch 2015

Year in Review 2015: February

February was relatively quiet across the board ... which is always good during the cold. It's challenging enough to take the dogs in and out of the kennels everyday to enjoy the sunshine and to stay warm at night.

Year in Review 2015: January

It's that time again: To look back on the year and highlight the events that impacted the rescue--and the dogs--as a whole. We said it in 2012, 2013 and 2014, and we'll say it again in 2015 ... This year, we helped rescue and re-home more dogs than we have since the days Jimmy was with us and it was more of a full-time gig than us "duct taping" things together. Woo-hoo!