Jack Flashback 2012: March

March both came in and left like a lamb … and, for the first (and hopefully last) time ever, we lost one of  our precious flock. There was plenty happening behind the scenes, of course …

In Memory of Rhonda

On March 28, we suffered a loss of one of our rescues that we will never forget. Rhonda was one of our lifers because she had Cushing’s Disease. She thrived with us for several years, and we gave her the best care possible, but in the end, she let us know when she was finished with the fight and we respected her decision.

We have never lost a rescue while they lived with us, and she will never be forgotten. We miss you and your hugs, sweetheart.

Thank you so much to Susan for sponsoring her during her time of need.

In Memory of Rhonda

In Memory of Rhonda

Social Media’ites

We launched our Pinterest page and allegedly set a trend for several other rescues to follow. Have you seen it yet? If not, be sure to check it out and follow us. Our Facebook page also hit 500 followers. The magic of the Internet–both through our website and social media–has been monumental in getting our word out and finding homes (and awesome volunteers/sponsors) for our small rescue.