What an amazing spring it’s been in regards to adoptions! No, we haven’t had that many–and, unfortunately, things really tend to slow down in summer–but some of the ones we’ve had have been phenomenal. It’s “easy” to adopt out the young ‘n healthy guns, but it’s a whole different matter when we are dealing with dogs who have health issues, are seniors and/or have behavioral problems.

Yeah, well … guess who’s been getting adopted!

Both Octavia and Rocket found forever homes back in April. Yes, that’s right – Rocket, our wild little man, has a home! His new family doesn’t really do the photo/social media thing, so we don’t  have any photos, but we can say that they have emailed and he is doing fabulous. He found a couple who knows exactly how to deal with his fear-aggression issues and he even has a four-legged brother named Lucky whom he loves.

You read about Octavia’s adoption in a previous Dog Blog. We can all report that this little girl is loved and spoiled beyond words. She is living the life most dogs (and people) dream about, and we could not be more thrilled than to see almost daily pics of her pop up on our Facebook pages! Her parents have given her more TLC than she’s probably had in her entire life.

We are still over the moon over those two adoptions (plus, Hannah’s continued improvement in her foster home) when such huge news hit again yesterday. Our faithful supporter, Anne Ross of Tennessee, drove down on Saturday to attend our Jack/Chow fundraiser. She brought her little girl, Neely, with her to “speed date” the fellers at rescue and find Neely a new brother. The vols were all placing non-monetary bets on which one of “our” dogs it would be and wouldn’t you know it? Neely’s choice blew all of our bets out of the water … and all of us away!

After years at the rescue, Frazier has a forever home! He’s been with us for so long that we can barely remember when he arrived … Five years ago? Seven? He was always overlooked by potential adopters, but we all knew (especially after what a gent he was during his barn hunt classes) what a special, easygoing, loving boy he was outside the kennels. When Anne first visited the rescue last year, he even tried to jump into her car. Yesterday, he did … forever.

Frazier is now enjoying life in a home for the first time in years. He’s not digging holes and rearranging hay out of boredom and frustration. Our dirty little dude is clean as can be (who knew that was even possible?) and  is resting peacefully in a comfy, big bed that Mom bought just for him. Anne says he’s been a wonderful, loving little guy.

And we can’t stop crying …

Congratulations, sweetheart! We always knew someone would see in you what we did. You are going to have an awesome life. Heck, you already do.