What’s the sure cure for the cold Monday blues? Why, a happy story, of course! We are thrilled to announce that sweet Daisy Mae has found her forever home!

Her new mom, Heidi, read her story and immediately fell in love with her. What’s not to fall in love with, with this tiny, precious girl? She obviously did not have a “normal” dog life as she arrived with an illness caused by having too many puppies and things like leashes and even grass were all a little new to her. She walked slowly and shyly, slowly but surely beginning to trust everyone.

Heidi knew it would take patience to get her used to everything, but it’s only been a week and, judging by the photos, she’s adjusting quite well to the good life!

We are over the moon for this precious girl. It’s wonderful to see her live the life she was born to live. Have a wonderful one, sweet baby!